The probe into the Biogenesis wellness clinic that allegedly supplied Major League Baseball (MLB) players such as Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, Nelson Cruz and a hand full of others with performance enhancing drugs (PED) could potentially bring suspensions sooner rather than later, according to a report.
The investigation into the Miami clinic has been onging since before spring training of 2013 and MLB has started interviewing big leaguers linked to the investigation.
People who have spoken to MLB investigators are convinced there will be at least some suspensions handed out.
MLB has not yet interviewed Rodriguez or Braun, as investigators continue to amass as much evidence as possible in regards to the two players, who are easily the two biggest stars named in the report turned over to the Miami New Times by former Biogenesis employee Porter Fischer.
Rodriguez and Braun are the top two reasons this PED case is such big news, especially considering both have been linked to PED’s in the past.
Tony Bosch – the proprietor of the now defunct Biogenesis Clinic – listed more then a dozen players in notebooks that were involved with PED usage and this is the material Fischer leaked to the media. The notebooks included the names of more than a half-dozen players which included Rodriguez and Braun. Braun provided an explanation, saying he only used Biogenesis for consulting work before he was able to get an MLB PED suspension overturned early last year.
The notes only mention having dollar amounts listed by Braun’s name, while Rodriguez and others allegedly have specific PEDs listed beside their names.
If the investigation does indeed show that these players have used PED’s, suspensions aplenty will occur and this will be a drastic hit to baseball and some big name stars.
The MLB player’s union is obviously involved and issued a statement that said ‘interviews had begun,’ but that is about it for now.
It will be interesting to see what comes out of this investigation and see how much trust certain fanbases will have in these players moving forward.
Photo courtesy of: Rolling Out