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Monetizing Social Media In Sports with SF Giants Bryan Srabian (Part 3)

Part 3 of 4 video interviews with SF Giants – Social Media Director – Bryan Srabian

Social Media Monetization

Ok….so we’ve discussed how social media can help sports teams engage with their fans.

But, is it possible (or appropriate) to look at social media as a way to increase revenues?

Social media sponsorship and monetization are hot topics and one of the major opportunities and challenges for all sports teams looking for ways to add value to new and existing corporate sponsorships.

Monetizing Social Media In Sports – Key Takeaways

In this video clip we talk with Bryan about:

  • How Virgin America has leveraged the popularity of #FearTheBeard in their #FlyTheBeard campaign
  • How Toyota is using social media to activate their sponsorship with the SF Giants and catcher Buster Posey
  • Why you shouldn’t focus on ROI and monetizing when considering social media integration in sponsorship deals
  • How the SF Giants are leveraging social media to sell tickets using their “dynamic pricing model”


Watch for the next video coming up tomorrow where Bryan offers advice on How To Get A Job In Sports!!!

Do you know of any other sports teams that have found success in monetizing their social media efforts?  Leave your comments below and/or send us a tweet to @sportsnetworker

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2 Responses to Monetizing Social Media In Sports with SF Giants Bryan Srabian (Part 3)

  1. seokiwi April 12, 2012 at 1:20 pm #

    @srabe Man I love this stuff so much I have a million questions running through my head. Sounds like you’re lucky enough to cherry pick some awesome sponsors who “get it” and aren’t so focused on ROI which is fantastic.
    Do you have any software in particular you use for tracking conversions? What other key conversions do you track other than ticket sales? 

  2. trevorturnbull April 15, 2012 at 3:11 pm #

     @seokiwi  @srabe Hey SEOKIWI……we will be announcing a live Q&A with Bryan very soon so that he can address everyones questions.
    Stay tuned to the blog for more info 🙂

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