On Tuesday night, ESPN aired Broke, a “30 for 30” documentary directed by Billy Corben outlining the financial rise and fall of many professional athletes. After earning millions of dollars playing the game they’ve loved, countless superstars have thrown it all away.
“More money, more problems,” is the tagline according to ESPN. “Broke digs into the psychology of men whose competitive nature carried them to victory on the field yet seemed to ruin them off the field.”
During the 90-minute feature and shortly thereafter, professional athletes took to Twitter and voiced their opinions — good and bad — about Broke. Check out the list of tweets Sports Networker has highlighted, including one’s from the Miami Heat’s Dwayne Wade and the Philadelphia Eagles’ Michael Vick.
Tweet, Tweet: Players Recount Broke Through Social Media
Thanks for watching #BROKE and making it the highest rated movie in @espn‘s @30for30 series: rakontur.com/journal/2012/1…
— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) October 3, 2012
Everyone in sports, doesn’t matter if u play or not. Associated with it in some form or another should be watching ESPN #30for30 “BROKE”
— LeBron James (@KingJames) October 3, 2012
Just watched 30 for 30 on Espn……..Be smart with your $
— Mike Vick (@MikeVick) October 3, 2012
My biological father came out of nowhere the day I was drafted!! #Broke
@espn 30 for 30, all my young professional athletes should watch this over and over and over. #BROKE
— Fred Taylor (@FredTaylorMade) October 3, 2012
— Damien Woody (@damienwoody) October 3, 2012
I hope all athletes and inspiring athletes watched the 30 for 30 #Broke…don’t just say it can’t happen to you. Do something about it.
— DAD (@DwyaneWade) October 3, 2012
If u just missed Broke… Its a must see.
— Greg Monroe (@MooseGM10) October 3, 2012
Sick to my stomach after watching that 30 for 30 broke but it was educating while telling good stories
— Roddy White (@roddywhiteTV) October 3, 2012
30for30 had jamal mashburn on for a reason…look him up, he’s who I’m trying to be like. #success
— Jonathan Vilma (@JonVilma51) October 3, 2012
Watching broke!!! 500,000 on ur friend!!! Smh!!!
Can’t lie it’s TOUGH telling a loved one “no” but hell I had to do it! Dont feel good and sometimes there is tears but that’s life. #broke
— Julius Hodge (@Follow24Hodge) October 3, 2012
— Aj Green (@ajgreen_18) October 3, 2012
ESPN Director, @BillyCorben, Talks About The Making Of Broke
Photo Credit: ESPN