Latest Posts by Trevor Turnbull
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Brandon Taylor, a Sports Agent with Red…
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Laura Brandes, Sports Category Manager – Running…
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Max Wendkos, Founder – FrontOffice. Who Is…
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Jason Belzer, President of GAME, Inc. Who…
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Kirk Lacob, Assistant General Manager of the…
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Eugene T. Lee, President of ETL Associates….
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Brian Gainor, Director, Strategy + Analytics at Freshwire…
One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Bill Guertin, CEO – Stadium Gorilla. Who…
On May 24–26, the sponsorship and marketing community will gather in Saskatoon for the ninth annual Canadian Sponsorship Forum. This year’s roster of industry-leading experts presenting keynote addresses and leading roundtable discussions includes: Karim Salabi, Executive Vice President, Marketing, Rona Inc.; Justine Fedak, Senior Vice President, Brand, Advertising, and Sponsorships, BMO Financial Group; Michael Prosserman,…
SPORTS LAUNCH – The Magazine is looking to YOU to help decide who should be included in the “Sports Executive Dream Team 2013.” As you can see from the image to the left, our very own CEO, Lewis Howes has made the magazine cover along with track star turned sports agent, Ashley Millerick and Bob Beaudine, the…
@fdhood Glad you enjoyed it! Jordan provided a lot of great information!
@fdhood @sportsnetworker Thanks. really enjoyed doing it.
@trevorturnbull @sportsnetworker @LewisHowes Really enjoyed doing it. Thanks guys!
@jordankahana @trevorturnbull @sportsnetworker great piece. enjoyed watching it. turnbull’s always got great interviews!
I really enjoyed this interview! A lot of great tips, I would love to have a job like this one day working with one of the NFL teams.
System AquaGold służy do wczesnego wykrywania i lokalizacji nieszczelności w instalacjach
wodociągowych i ogrzewania mieszkań oraz instalacji przemysłowych.
System odcina dopływ wody, pozwalając na usunięcie przyczyny powstałej awarii.zalanie domu
System ochrony przed zalaniem wodą AquaGold został zaprojektowany
z myślą o zapobieganiu skutkom tego typu awarii.
Przeznaczony jest on do wczesnego wykrywania system przeciw zalaniu wodąw instalacjach wody zimnej i ciepłej oraz ogrzewania w domach, mieszkaniach, biurach czy sklepach.
System może być stosowany również w przemyśle.
Zasada działania systemu AquaGold jest bardzo prosta – w sytuacji wycieku wody system poinformuje nas
o zaistniałym zdarzeniu sygnałem świetlnym i dźwiękowym,
jak również automatycznie odetnie dopływ wody aż
do momentu usunięcia przyczyny wycieku.