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The Top News In #Sportsbiz – 09.23.13 – 09.30.13

This week’s top news in the #SportsBiz includes Texas Motor Speedway installing the world’s biggest video board, standing at 218 feet wide by 94½ feet tall.  Other news includes SeatAdvisor launching TicketResell, NASCAR’s awesome fan and media engagement center, a possible rebrand from the Washington Redskins, and Syracuse offering a free sports marketing class.  Read on…

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World Cup 2014 Ticket Demand Heats Up

The FIFA World Cup 2014 is set to take place in Brazil on June 12.  If you are trying to grab some tickets, you better cross your fingers because applicants are chosen at random. These tickets are hotter than than the bottom of your laptop. ‘World Cup 2014’ Tickets in high demand On Tuesday, one…

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Ticket Sales rising in Miami

Ticket Sales and Hopes Rising In Miami

It has been 12 years since the Miami Dolphins won a playoff game.  Perhaps this has contributed to the team’s declining ticket sales.  But a new day is on the horizon and the fans know it.  So far this year, Miami has seen an influx in season ticket purchases, but the team says there is…

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Unique Ticket Sales Campaigns

We are now happily accepting your money! Have you ever heard this before in a ticket sales campaign? We will now accept your hard earned cash for a sporting event over a year away! Put your money down NOW OR ELSE miss the chance of seeing your favorite team next year live and in person. And of course…

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How to Find a Job in the Growing Sports Industry

According to the SportsBusiness Journal, the Sports Industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States with nearly $250 billion in revenue annually. That makes it bigger than the U.S. Auto Industry and 10 times larger than the Motion Picture Industry. What does that mean to you? It means there’s an enormous amount of…

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Are You Victimizing Your Seatholders?

Who wants to make more money in sports ticket sales?  (OK… you can all put your hands down.) And…who is willing to shame or embarrass their team’s clients in order to get there? (Keep those hands down!  Shame on you in the back row!) Upselling current seatholders can be a major contributor to any team’s bottom-line…

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4 Steps to Skyrocket Your Sports Ticket Sales Success

Fans don’t typically purchase a ticket to your stadium because the seat is red or that the seat is 2 ½ inches thick. Then why do we still just sell clients a ticket? “People buy products for what they can do, not what they are” –  Anonymous It’s about people in the seats and the…

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Shane Harmon Interview: Social Media Strategies for Rugby World Cup 2011

I recently took a trip to New Zealand for some fun during the Holidays. It is an amazing country to say the least (and that story is for another article) but I had the opportunity to meet with a few great sports professionals during my trip. One of them was non other than sports ticketing…

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10 Tips to Help You Land Your First Sports Job

1. Network, Network, Network

Have you heard the adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know?” Well, in sports, it’s more like “who knows you” or “who is familiar with your work”. The key to getting your first job (or any job) is networking. You need to get out there in front of the decision makers who have the power to hire you, whether that’s the head of the sales department, box office or the general manager.

Attending networking functions is a great idea. Most teams and leagues either run their own career fair or attend sports related fairs every year. For example, job seekers interested in a career in Minor League Baseball should attend the annual PBEO Conference (the same “Winter Meetings” where players are traded and the Rule V draft are held ever year) and network with as many people as possible.

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Fire All the Salespeople

There is a common problem I see brewing in sports ticket sales organizations across the nation.  It started about 18 months ago, and has been spreading like a virus, bleeding organizations dry.  I’m not sure where it started, but I know how it can be stopped. Here’s the problem: We’re allowing the economy to lull…

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Get Out of a Sports Ticket Sales Slump

So you’re not having the kind of success you’d like. Your calls are more difficult, you’re not closing as many sales as you’d planned, your manager is supportive but insists on results. Your check isn’t enough to do the things you want to do. This sports thing wasn’t what you thought it would be. This…

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Networking at the Ballpark

(This is a guest article by Chris Rufle) Putting on a networking event at your venue can be beneficial for you in a few different ways.  It can give you the opportunity to sell a weak night, draw in new quality leads, and help other business executives further their businesses all at the same time. …

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