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Which Big Business Makes A Good Race Sponsor?

With sponsorship spending on endurance sports events exceeding the $108 million per year, its no wonder big business is sponsoring these events. The mid-to-high socio-economic class of endurance events participants attracts many brands to sponsor endurance events. Interestingly enough many of these big business brands are not the typical sporting brands one would expect to find. Would…

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Green Bay Packers Clay Matthews Sparks Online Debate: ‘Who’s got the best defense in NFL?’

Green Packers Pro Bowl linebacker and league superstar Clay Matthews has teamed with Gillette for a series of videos that asks who is the best looking linebacker in the league. The “Clay vs Clay Debate” video, seen below, is meant to spark the debate amongst the online football community. Fans can take the debate over to…

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Sponsorship Activations at the NFL Experience

As we know, the Super Bowl is one of the greatest spectacles in the sports world and fans from all over make a pilgrimage to experience it. The NFL has done a fantastic job of making it possible for the average fan to experience the Super Bowl, even if they don’t have a ticket to…

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