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The Art of Buying Sports Tickets

StubHub is the poster child for the ever-changing art of buying sports tickets

StubHub is the poster child for the ever-changing art of buying sports tickets

Over the past few years the art of buying sports tickets has changed.

In the beginning, ticket buyers needed to purchase them directly from Ticketmaster or the team directly. If a game was sold out you could buy from a ticket broker, or scalper. As technology improved, a new form of buying sports tickets began to develop. Fans could start buying tickets from ticket reselling websites like Stubhub, eBay and Ticket Network.

However, purchases directly from ticket resale websites aren’t perfect. On most of these sites it is tough to sort by price, and if the site allows price filtering, it’s nearly impossible to figure out what the best deals actually are. Another issue with going directly to one of these websites is a buyer cannot simultaneously see tickets available on other marketplaces at the same time.

These problems with purchasing directly from secondary sellers may finally be solved.

The Changing Art of Buying Sports Tickets

As technology continues to improve people now have an opportunity to buy tickets from ticket search engines such as Ticket search engines help fans find the best priced ticket to the event they wish to attend. Ticket search engines help sports fans attend games potentially under face value, as well as sold out events at the lowest possible price. Buying sports tickets can now be considered an art form. By searching at the proper time for tickets to an event on a ticket search engine, users can sometimes save hundreds of dollars to the most expensive events.

One reason ticket buyers would want to use a ticket search engine is they can often find tickets below face value. Event tickets tend to drop below face value if it’s not sold out. Other factors that affect sports ticket prices are the team’s is play, the game’s has minimal importance and the team’s market.


If a buyer is paying attention for all these signs, and some of them are true, there is no reason to purchase tickets directly from the team. One example could be New York Rangers tickets earlier this season. I personally purchased a 10 game mini plan for personal use since I thought the team would play well this season at $160 a ticket. I thought if I didn’t do this, I could have to pay a premium off the resale market. When they started off slow, and I couldn’t attend a game, I accepted $75 for the ticket versus a very good team. Not a bad deal for the buyer of my ticket.

Ticket search engines can also save money for buyers trying to go to expensive, sold out events. By aggregating ticket results from across the web into one easy to see list, a buyer can find the lowest price on the web. Some search engines even grade the tickets, so a user could find the best rated deals on the web.

What’s In The Future?

Between finding sports tickets for the lowest prices, and tickets being graded there is no reason to not search on ticket search engines like first for seats.

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