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Tag Archives | University of Florida

TBI In Sports: Highlights from the Brewer Sports/Amarantus C4CT Summit

Yesterday Brewer Sports International (BSI) and partner Amarantus Bioscience hosted the second annual Coalition for Concussion Treatment (#C4CT)  Concussion Awareness Summit at the United Nations in New York City. Part of Brewer Sports’s suite of Super Bowl week events, #C4CT brought together the brightest minds in medicine, business and sports to discuss the issues surrounding concussion and Traumatic Brain…

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Tim Tebow’s Marketing Potential

I am tired of hearing “football experts” opinion that Tim Tebow does not have the make-up to be an NFL quarterback.  “He’s too heavy.” “He starts his throwing motion too close to the ground.” “He takes too long to release the ball.” “He does not find the open receiver.” “His build is more suited for…

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Florida Football Coach Provides PR Case Study to End the Year

Just when you thought you could put the finishing touches on your year-end list of best/worst stories, University of Florida football coach, Urban Meyer, added yet another chapter to 2009’s book of sports public relations case studies. On Saturday, all modes of media went into overdrive when the 45-year-old two-time national champion coach announced he…

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