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Influential People In Sports Business In 2012

We recently ran a Facebook Contest asking our audience who they thought was missing from Sports Business Journal’s “50 Most Influential People in Sports Business“.  We received some great feedback and the people mentioned varied greatly from Mark Cuban (Owner – Dallas Mavericks) to Bruton Smith (CEO – Nascar). The annual list put together by SBJ includes a…

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Owners Spotlight: The 5 Most Successful Owners in Sports

Owners are the ones ultimately responsible for shaping a team’s long-term fortunes. Some, like the late George Steinbrenner, are outspoken and controversial, while others prefer to stay behind the scenes. Some owners are beloved by their fans, like Robert Kraft or Jerry Jones, and some less so — just try to find a Redskins fan…

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The Worst Advice for Sport Management Students

I couldn’t believe what I read today. It may be the worst advice I’ve ever heard for college students in sport managemet about to graduate. This poor advice included: “Early specialization is a huge mistake. Selecting one area to pursue for your career path is ludicrous.” Let me tell you what’s ludicrous: Entitled college students believing…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.1.3

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business From Albert Pujols to LeBron James – Are Top Athletes Overpaid? “But what, exactly, is the assertion behind “overpaid?” Most who say it simply mean that “athletes make too much money,” an understandable opinion….

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 11.11.29

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Coordinator – Steve Richards Sports Business NBA’s Owners Win Big  “After all the talk of a broken system and badly needed overhauls in the league, Saturday’s resolution produced one odd result: Fans won’t notice much of a difference.” Sports business maverick…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 11.11.23

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards Sports Business CEO Of The Year: Mark Cuban “Mark Cuban may have purchased the Dallas Mavericks as a frustrated fan. And, considering his passion for the game, he may have a “basketball heart.” But it’s his…

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The Mark Cuban No Excuses Policy for Breaking Into Sports

When Mark Cuban bought the Dallas Mavericks, they went from NBA laughing stock to perennial winners literally overnight. (Check the win-loss record for the year Cuban bought the team. It will blow your mind.) One of the many things Cuban brought to the organization that helped turn it around was a “No Excuses” policy. What…

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Top Sports Business Resources of 2010

Earlier this week, we had a vote for the top sports social media professional of 2010, and it garnered over 2000 votes. As voting wraps up today, we’ve decided to another one for the top sports business online resources of 2010. We’ve narrowed it down to these links, but if there’s one we’ve missed, let…

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How Mark Cuban Became Owner of the Dallas Mavericks

If you are a basketball lover then you have to know the name Mark Cuban.  It is a name that resonates with the NBA as he is one of the most recognized franchise owners, someone who cares about the well being of his players and organization, an extremely dynamic individual, and all around great business…

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