Well… it’s Sports Cliché Week! So we here at Sports Networker decided to give you our take on using clichés in your writing. Should you use them or lose them? Here’s what we say! Sports Cliché Week: For a long time sports journalism explained the outcome of professional sports contests like this: “Sometimes teams win…
Kwame Flaherty
Last updated by Kwame Flaherty at .
Author Archive | Kwame Flaherty

NHL Alive and Well Post Lockout
Six months ago, the National Hockey League was receiving last rites. Entrenched in their third lockout in 19 years, the consensus in the sports media was that the NHL would go the way of VHS tapes. “Fans are fed up.” “Nobody will come to the arenas, or watch the games.” Even Detroit Red Wings coach,…

Five Great Moves Jay-Z Made as Nets Owner
In what is probably the worst kept secret in the sports business, Jay-Z is selling his stake in the Brooklyn Nets so he can become a full-time sports agent. Jay-Z is not the first entertainer to own a piece of a sports franchise, nor is he the first rapper to become an agent, but based…

“Must Follows” for 2013 NFL Draft Information
The NFL Draft has become the Super bowl of the off-season. The NFL has taken what is essentially a human resources function, and turned it into a three-day event. The NFL Draft is: Sponsored by some of the most successful companies in the world Broadcast by two networks Watched by 25 million people last year. Unfortunately,…

How to Put Together a Sports Resume
With the advent of social media, niche professional associations, training programs and reality television, there have never been more ways to land a job. However, no matter how many Twitter followers you have, or how high your Klout score, the old-fashioned resume is still the most important tool for any job seeker. A well-crafted resume will…