Twitter chats are a huge way to gain followers, meet fellow users with similar interests and most importantly GET INVOLVED. The guys over at Sport Job Chat do a bi-monthly twitter chat with questions directed towards working in the sports industry.
Every first and third Mondays of the month, they hold theses chats with the hasthtag #SportJC from 8-9 EST. You can get involved by tweeting with #SportJC and answering questions posted by @SportJobChat
Here are some tweets from last night:
Whole lot of new faces tonight in #sportjc – welcome everyone!
— SportJobChat (@SportJobChat) April 23, 2013
@sportjobchat while getting a job/internship is a goal, tht can’t be the only focus going to conferences. Time to learn & connect. #sportjc
— Danielle Mayeaux (@DMayeaux18) April 23, 2013
@sportjobchat A5: Very important. Put conferences attended on your resume. Shows your initiative and passion for the industry. #SportJC
— Nick Bartlett (@NickBartlett12) April 23, 2013
Thanks for another great #sportjc hosted by @markjburns88. Look for a recap from @sportsnetworker tomorrow! Next chat – 5/6
— SportJobChat (@SportJobChat) April 23, 2013
Comment below if you attended or plan on attending another Twitter chat. You can follow us on Twitter @SportsNetworker