In November 2009, I introduced a series of articles I called ‘Social Media Report Card,’ where I graded each of the four major sports leagues – NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB – on their social media presence. I made a point of being harsh. In particular, I criticized each of the leagues for only utilizing…
Last updated by Lewis Howes at .
Tag Archives | social media report card
Social Media Report Card – The MLB
Ah, baseball. America’s past time. The game has been around, and flourished, for a long, long time. In recent years (since the mid 90’s), baseball has hit a rough patch, with the Steroids Era. However, baseball is trying to change its image, and social media is part of that effort. Social media makes sense for…
Social Media Report Card – The NFL
In the second installment of “Social Media Report Card,” we’re talking football. In the past year, the National Football League has certainly engaged in social media, but have they excelled? Last week, I discussed the NBA. I gave them a ‘B,’ even though I felt like they have consistently done the best job of the…