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7 Sponsorship Sales Lessons from Billy Mays: The Ultimate Pitchman

“Hi, Billy Mays Here!” was his famous tagline and for years he made late night television his home, moving millions upon millions of cleaning products like the Awesome Auger, OxiClean and Orange Glo – two minutes at a time. Mays died recently at his home in Florida, but not before leaving us with many an…

Sports Media PR, Then and Now

As the old Virginia Slims tagline for the Women’s Tennis Tour said  in the 1970s, “WOW!” Oh, wait … that line was, “You’ve come a long way, baby.” The way publicists communicate with sports editors and reporters has changed along with the rest of the media world. What people on the outside of the industry may not know, however,…

Endorsements 2 Point 0

Most amateur athletes have recurring dreams about that future big payday. They assume that the money will start pouring in once they sign a contract with a professional organization in a large American sports league. For many, that day never comes. For those who do “go pro” they will quickly realize that the first contract…

How To Answer, “I Don’t Have Any Budget Left”

As a sports ticket sales rep, you’re used to hearing ridiculous and off-the-wall excuses from your customers as to why they’re not interested. One of the most airtight and hard-to-fight objections, however, is the budget issue. This objection takes several forms. A prospect may say anything like, “It’s not in the budget,” “My budget’s been…

Transformation: The Future of Sports + Social Media

Or since transformation can be negative, let’s say intelligent growth or evolving. People in the sports world do it all the time when they add another dimension to their game, or when they improve upon a certain facet of their skill set. Joe Mauer adding more power to his arsenal, LeBron improving his defense and…

Sports Career Builders

Professional Development & Sports Career Management More than 45 million people find themselves unemployed each year.  Millions of others try to increase their satisfaction within the workplace as well as advance their careers by looking for alternative jobs and opportunities.  Statistics show that you will make more than 10 job changes and between three and…

Digital Sports Branding Through Social Media

Amy Martin has major influence when it comes to helping professional sports teams (like the Phoenix Suns) and professional athletes (the mighty Shaquille O’Neal), take control of their digital brand. Her recent success attracts more major clients knocking on her door every day as she helps people answer some of the toughest questions like, “How…

Being a Networking Decathlete

The decathlon is a track and field competition involving 10 events – five on each of two successive days. Performances in the 10 events are scored by reference to a points table. The individual accumulating the highest number of points after the 10 events is declared the winner. The decathlon is a menu of athletic…

Sports Careers Conference

If you are looking to take your career in sports to the next level, then look no further than the Sports Careers Conference on June 28-30 in Dallas, Texas.  Instead of talking about all of the great things that will go on during the conference, I was able to speak with Mark Tudi, the founder…

Ticket Sales and Social Media: MLB Dilemma

Ticket Sales are tough to come by these days due to the economy and other excuses people seem to come up with.  I was lucky enough to attend a Cubs game with Tyler Johnson (who happens work for the White Sox, but the team was out of town that weekend we watched the Cubs). Tyler…

13 Underrated Sports Professionals on Twitter

Lewis asked me to highlight some of the most influential sports business people on Twitter, and I’m all about making Lewis, and more importantly the Sports Networker audience happy. But when I sat down to make that list, all I could think about was BORING! Those people aren’t hard to locate, in fact if they’ve…

Find a Sports Job by Giving First

Part of my thoughts in starting SportsNetworker was to use my contacts in the sports industry for the purpose of helping others find or advance a career. That has worked out for many people. I enjoy hearing about people’s success. While some people look to find an existing position in the sports industry, others simply…

Singles Score Runs Too!

We have all played baseball at least once in our lives. It may have been just a pick-up game in the street. It may have been at school in gym class. It may have only been tee ball. Whatever the case, we have all played baseball. Let us reflect back to the first time we…

How To Write For The Sports Industry (Video)

Terry Lefton is a killer writer for the SportsBusiness Journal, and I was fortunate enough to meet up him during the Marquis Jet Super Bowl party in Tampa.  He shares some great insights about how difficult it is becoming a writer in the sports industry, but by specializing early you have a much greater chance…

Sports Networker Newsletter: April Edition

This month is full of great videos and articles for the sports industry, and it features the So Cal Action Sports Network founder Bryan Elliott.  If you didn’t receive a copy of the newsletter in your email, no worries, just click here and you can see what you missed.

How To Use Social Media [VIDEO]

This is a video with my top ways to use social media.  To be honest with you, I don’t talk about how this relates to the sports industry at all.  However, all of these principles apply to your sports industry and social media marketing online.  They also apply to helping you build your personal brand…

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