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Darren Heitner

Author Archive | Darren Heitner

GEMALaw Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium

What: The 3rd Annual Georgetown Entertainment & Media Alliance (GEMA) Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium When: Friday, April 16, 2010 Where: Georgetown University, McDonough Room 200 Cost: Attorney receiving CLE credit ($159, $179), Attorney/Practitioner w/out CLE credit ($99, $129), Non-Georgetown Student ($19, $39), Georgetown Student (Free, Free).  First number is applicable if you register before April 7th.  Second…

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Work in Sports: 6 Tips to Get Ahead

Graduating from your undergraduate institution in April or May and want to break into the business of sports (particularly in the representation of athletes) but have no idea where to start?  Here’s a list of options.  There is no “right”  path to success, but the following list provides some insight into ways that you can…

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Tim Tebow’s Marketing Potential

I am tired of hearing “football experts” opinion that Tim Tebow does not have the make-up to be an NFL quarterback.  “He’s too heavy.” “He starts his throwing motion too close to the ground.” “He takes too long to release the ball.” “He does not find the open receiver.” “His build is more suited for…

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How to Network at a Sports Symposium

We are about to enter Sports Symposium season.  This Friday is the granddaddy of them all: The Princeton Sports Symposium.  Amongst the panelists are former Baltimore Orioles and Chicago White Sox general manager Roland Hemond, Sports Illustrated senior writer Tom Verducci, President of Ponturo Management and chairman of the Leverage Agency sports marketing firm Tony…

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8 Ways Agents Should Research Athletes Before They Sign Them

Sports agents who take any and every athlete who contacts them on their website will not last very long in this industry.  Representing athletes is much like playing the stock market; you have to make a rather large initial investment in order to have a chance to make any significant profit. You could load up…

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An Agents Guide To Athletes

In roughly four months, Bob Ruxin and I will be releasing a new book: An Athlete’s Guide to Agents, 5th Edition.  The book will cover everything from NCAA rules and regulations to turning pro early…and it even discusses the agent selection process.  That process is not a one-way street.  The principal is the athlete, who has…

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Should Sports Agents Network With Their Competition?

“If you’re an agent, don’t be friends with other agents.”   It should not come as a surprise that the agent who wrote the statement above is one of only a very few in my industry that I do not get along with.  He attempts to steal clients from other companies, talks down on his…

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Keep it Personal or Get Down to Business?

 There are not enough hours in the day to successfully manage a plethora of social media profiles.  The bottom line is that you need to make money.  Social networking sites will help you build a strong network of contacts, but you still must devote a large portion of your business day to selling and perfecting the actual…

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Endorsements 2 Point 0

Most amateur athletes have recurring dreams about that future big payday. They assume that the money will start pouring in once they sign a contract with a professional organization in a large American sports league. For many, that day never comes. For those who do “go pro” they will quickly realize that the first contract…

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