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Tim Evans

Author Archive | Tim Evans

Super Bowl Commercials & Domain Names

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with the art of making a good commercial.  Those who are marketers, I’m sure can appreciate this too, especially when a commercial makes an audience remember the brand and remember the product or service. But with a record breaking audience of 106 million people, I was blown…

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It’s a Numbers Game – Sports Vanity Toll Free Numbers

We all know there are numerous ways to brand your sports business.  From a professionally designed and well optimized website, to having consistent social networking usernames across a variety of social media platforms, you are well on your way to promoting your brand. With a passion for domain names over the years, I have been…

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Athlete Branding & Owning a Domain Name

Why an athlete should care about their domain name and personal brand. As long as domain names have been around, professional athlete domain names have been valued property by domain speculators (domainers), cyber squatters, and sports fans.  If you do a whois search for most professional athletes, no matter what the sport, chances are that…

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Where To Find Sports Domain Names

The domain name industry has come a long way in the last 20 years.  In the early 1990s, an individual needed to write in and request a domain name and there was a limit of five names.  A few years later, Network Solutions came on the scene and you could register a domain name, but…

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Find a Sports Job by Giving First

Part of my thoughts in starting SportsNetworker was to use my contacts in the sports industry for the purpose of helping others find or advance a career. That has worked out for many people. I enjoy hearing about people’s success. While some people look to find an existing position in the sports industry, others simply…

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