In a world where being politically correct has reached epic proportions, the new K-Swiss short film featuring fictional character Kenny Powers is a tremendous breath of fresh air. Creativity by corporations has been one of the leading casualties of the PC movement with brands paralyzed by fear, god forbid a noisy minority speaks out against…
Ron Matejko
Last updated by Ron Matejko at .
Author Archive | Ron Matejko
Crushed Ice: PAC-12 Deal Impressive
When the Pac-12 announced its new multimedia broadcast deal with ESPN and Fox recently, the sports world reacted with shock and awe toward its gold fingered Commissioner Larry Scott, who convinced the networks to collectively cough up $3 billion over the next 12 years. Many observers accurately pointed out that the new deal was more…
Newspaper Paywalls = Opportunity for Sports Franchises
Photo by James Cridland While the year 2011 has already been designated as “The Year of the Tablet Computer” by many, it may ultimately be looked back upon as the “Year of the Newspaper Paywall.” The few newspapers that have already taken the bold step of putting their content behind paywalls, meaning it is only accessible…
What Sports Franchises Can Learn From Howard Stern
On Saturday, social media newbie Howard Stern created quite a stir when he decided to offer impromptu running commentary on his Twitter account during an HBO airing of his autobiographical film ‘Private Parts’. His tweets provided behind-the-scenes insight, his thoughts regarding scenes and personalities, as well as banter with his fans. The King of All…
How to Get Super Bowl Famous Without Getting Your Ads Aired
Year after year, one of the regularly covered aspects of the Super Bowl is the high price of purchasing a 30-second commercial during the game. Reports state companies are paying about $2.8 million to briefly expose their brand to the estimated 100 million people who will watch this year’s Super Bowl. That is a slight…
Why Online Sports Communities are Struggling
If there is one lesson to be learned from the recent announcement that AOL is relinquishing editorial control over its Fanhouse brand and outsourcing its sports coverage to Sporting News, is that being on the Internet does not necessarily equal financial success. AOL dumped Fanhouse, because even with nearly 10 million unique users, they couldn’t…