The 2014 Sochi Olympics have been full of firsts, from pre-Games preparation through the latest events. This year marks the first time since the 1980 summer Games that the Olympics have been held in Russia since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Olympic torch relay was itself the first of its kind….
Kendall Moore
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Author Archive | Kendall Moore

TBI In Sports: Highlights from the Brewer Sports/Amarantus C4CT Summit
Yesterday Brewer Sports International (BSI) and partner Amarantus Bioscience hosted the second annual Coalition for Concussion Treatment (#C4CT) Concussion Awareness Summit at the United Nations in New York City. Part of Brewer Sports’s suite of Super Bowl week events, #C4CT brought together the brightest minds in medicine, business and sports to discuss the issues surrounding concussion and Traumatic Brain…

Martin Luther King And Sports: Remembering A Legacy
Monday, January 20th marks the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 85th birthday. A federal holiday, MLK is recognized nationwide for his leadership and achievement during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. While Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was not an athlete, he was inspired by sports and, in turn, inspired marquis events…

Make Your New Year’s Resolution A Reality With MapMyFitness
Just in time for the New Year, Under Armour acquired MapMyFitness, the fitness technology company fueling one of the world’s largest digital fitness communities. It’s quite fitting that the leader of innovation in sports performance would expand its reach into the digital fitness world, making it easier for athletes everywhere to achieve their fitness goals….

Rugby Changed The World Thanks To Nelson Mandela
“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to unite in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they can understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in…

Sports Industry Scores Big on World AIDS Day Support
On December 1st each year, people across the globe recognize World AIDS Day as an opportunity for people to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for those living with HIV and commemorate those who have lost their lives to HIV. Sports Leagues and Teams Doing Their Part On World AIDS Day World…

Penguins Give Pittsburgh An Early Happy Thanksgiving
As far as sports go, Thanksgiving is traditionally associated with football in this country. But for the last seven seasons, the Pittsburgh Penguins have been giving their city something to be thankful for. The Pens partnered with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank as part of their 7th annual Turkey Delivery, bringing an early happy Thanksgiving…

Boston Strong: Red Sox Revive Their City With World Series Win
Last week the Boston Red Sox proved the city is indeed Boston Strong by winning the 2013 World Series at home. It had been 95 years since the Sox won a title at Fenway, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. The reverberations of the bombings at the Boston Marathon finish line have…

More Than Avoiding The NFL Injury Report: Football’s Hardest Hits
Player safety is a growing concern in the NFL, as important players are increasingly landing on the NFL injury report we are realizing the impact of on-field contact, even after playing days are over. A generation of current players that likely grew up watching and idolizing notorious heavy hitters like Lawrence Taylor, Ray Lewis and…

“A Crucial Catch” Has A Double Meaning For The NFL
NFL players are heralded as soldiers marching onto the battlefield every Sunday of the season, but this month the League honors the heroes who fight and survive breast cancer. All across the league, players, officials, fields and fans are donning pink in support of the many women who have been and continue to fight and…

Social Responsibility In Sports: Optional Or Obligation?
From September 9th – 11th athletes, executives, community program leaders and supporters convened in Philadelphia for the 2013 Beyond Sport Summit and Awards. Hailed as the largest gathering for sport and social change, global leaders in sport, business, innovation, philanthropy, development and government came together to share ideas and celebrate highly impactful programs in this space….

The NFL Stats That No One Is Talking About
The 2013 NFL season is officially underway! Old and new faces have graced the field to represent all 32 teams for Week 1, and NFL fans welcome them with open arms as the start of the new season begins. Thursday, Sunday and Monday night’s games all proved the the NFL is back with a vengeance….