Have you recently heard or said something like this?
“I hit my budget, that’s all I can do! I mean it’s not my fault everyone can’t be as motivated as I am.”
Or how about this one?
“How can I be expected to do all of these things? I need some more help.”
More often than not we forgot in our world of sports sales that to truly make gains, to really stand up and stand out in the work you do, you have to embrace being both a great leader AND a great teammate.
Becoming The Leader Teammate Is Pivotal to Your Success
Being a leader teammate is your ability to be both an inspirational leader and a positive teammate depending on the situation!
It starts with my Hot Dog Stand Marketing Version of Sales. It is my own creation, my mission statement that I use each and every day. Ten Building Blocks for sports sales success no matter what decade/age we are in.
It is explained in much more detail in my books or at a speaking engagement.
Over the coming weeks here at Sports Networker I will delve into each of my 10 traits and steps to ensure that we thrive; and don’t just survive; in the sports sales world for the coming decades.
Today we mark our halfway point!
Number Six: Leader Teammate: Embrace Being Both A Teammate and A Leader
We have to work to combine the two when necessary. To thrive and not just survive in sports sales, even though more often than not we are in 100% commission sales, we have to realize when the time is right to be a leader and grab your team by the horns in a positive manner. Help them reach their goals, not just yours.
You also have to know that sometimes “it is your problem” even though you may not think it is. That’s when you are truly embracing being a leader teammate. Great leaders and employees recognize that just because their individual performance is solid that it is still their responsibility at certain times to step up to the plate in a leadership role. You need to attempt to move things forward if you are stuck in a situation where your manager may need some help.
On the flip side, a great salesperson knows when to take a step back from being a leader and has the same willingness to be a wonderful teammate. Let someone else lead and not tell them everything they are doing should be done a different way. Or tell them they are right and they should do it their way.
Become Ready To Tackle Anything!
If you can embrace being a leader teammate then you have the ability to adapt to almost any type of situation your career throws at you.
It pays dividends in your office, when you are out meeting with your clients or speaking with them about your partnerships. It will help you increase your sales, be more respected by your managers and by your co workers. Most importantly, it will increase how well you do your job and perform in your career overall!
If you are a leader, you will be good at leading. If you are a teammate, you will be a good team player. If you can embrace being a leader teammate then you will GREAT at anything you set to achieve in your life!
Thank you for reading today!
I’m also excited to announce that my brand new E Book “When can I KETCHUP and find my Hot Dog Stand?” is now out and available on Amazon Kindle for just $.99 cents! What else is less than a dollar other than a lollipop?!
Do you have questions? Need help? Have more thoughts? Leave your comments below, email me at mike@marketingfunwithmike.com and or hit me up on one of the social media outlets and I’d love to discuss and give you more ideas on any of these ten steps.
Two weeks from today…we’ll dive into volume number seven! Thanks for reading and sharing if you like it!
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