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Discovering Your Career in Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is a great career for people who love to work with athletes, improve their performance, help them recover from an injury and prevent future injuries. The career path is ripe with future opportunity as well. This skill set is in demand by everyone from professional athletes to high school and college students to…

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Ivy Sports Symposium 2013 – My Experience

After a wet and chilly walk through Harvard Yard, I finally found Wasserstein Hall and the Ivy Sports Symposium. Thanks to winning a spot as a member of Sports Networker’s Sports Executives Association, I was able to attend the 8th annual Symposium, which was hosted by Harvard this year. It was this awesome Ivy League…

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Five Obtainable High Paying Sports Jobs

Most people’s primary reason for wanting to get involved in the sports industry is passion (an adjective that Kristi Dosh says is the most overused cover letters and resumes) and of course money. If you want to make a substantial amount of money doing a job you love take a look at the following list of these…

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Played NCAA Sports? Here’s Five Ways to Make a Career Out Of It

Athleticism and athletic experience help improve a person’s leadership skills and their ability to work within a cohesive unit. Likewise, at the college level, students who participated in NCAA sports may have advantages over other college students. College sports build a personal network, which will become an asset in the professional world. You can find and…

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How To Land Your Dream Job In Sports with Jason Belzer, President – GAME, Inc

One of the many benefit of being a Sports Executives Association member is the access we provide our members to top sports business professionals who are willing to network and help aspiring sports business professionals take their sports career to the next level! Yesterday, we were joined by Jason Belzer, President of GAME, Inc. Who…

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How A Sports Management Degree Can Help Your Sports Career

Experts in the sports management trade can hold any amount of jobs with a comprehensive assortment of duties. Case in point, a sports event manager will make considerably less than an athletic director at a Division I university. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects salary figures for many sports management careers and pieces them…

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It’s Time to Love Your Sports Career

The other day while surfing the internet I came across a quote from Tommy Lasorda that really resonated with me. “If you love your job, you haven’t worked a day in your life.” This is such a great quote because it is so true and I believe that many, if not all of us, can…

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The SPORTS LAUNCH Thirty Under 30 Awards

Are you a rising star in the sports industry? If not, do you know someone who is? It’s that time of year again and SPORTS LAUNCH – The Magazine is now accepting nominations for it’s annual Thirty Under 30 Awards. These awards have been established to recognize College Students and Young Professionals under the age of 30…

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How to Achieve Your Sports Career Goals in 2013

If your number one career goal in 2013 is to land a job in sports, you’re in the right place! I’ve been helping people with their careers since 1998. And out of all my business experience, including my “Dream Job” with the Dallas Mavericks, nothing has been more fulfilling than helping people — just like…

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Black Friday Deals

30 Books On Amazon During Black Friday Week To Advance Your Sports Career

It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is a day away and Christmas is right around the corner. But, in the meantime, the thing that should be on everyone’s mind is Black Friday — that special day where millions of Americans go bizerk trying to find the perfect gift for the whole family. This year,…

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3 Ways Volunteering Can Help Launch Your Sports Career

Sports employers regard volunteering as a viable way to gain sports industry experience. So if you don’t have any experience, by all means, volunteer! It’s by far the quickest and easiest way to gain sports business experience. Volunteering shows proof that you’re a go-getter and that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to launch your…

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How to Unleash Your Sports Career ‘BHAG’ to Get to the Next Level

Jim Collins wrote a best-selling business book entitled, . In the book he and co-author, Jerry Porras, coined the term, “Big Hairy Audacious Goals.” BHAG (pronounced, Bee-hag) is a strategic business statement which is created to focus an organization on a single, medium-to-long-term goal, which is audacious. Those on the outside of the company are likely…

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