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A Proven Networking Tactic For The Sports Industry

As you know, social media can be an excellent platform for launching your sports career. Especially when you learn how to connect with key executives who make hiring decisions. Social media goes hand-in-hand with a powerful – and proven – networking tactic I call Direct Networking. Direct Networking is where you network (directly!) with the person…

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The Worst Advice for Sport Management Students

I couldn’t believe what I read today. It may be the worst advice I’ve ever heard for college students in sport managemet about to graduate. This poor advice included: “Early specialization is a huge mistake. Selecting one area to pursue for your career path is ludicrous.” Let me tell you what’s ludicrous: Entitled college students believing…

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Do the Top Teams in the NBA Dominate on Facebook?

As of the NBA All Star Break on Monday February 27th the top 7 teams in the NBA looked like this from top to bottom. 1. Miami Heat 27-7 2. Oklahoma City Thunder (my favorite team just throwing it out there) 27-7 3. Chicago Bulls 27-8 4. San Antonio Spurs 24-10 5. LA Clippers (When was…

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Dallas Mavericks use Social Media to connect with Fans

The NBA has the most followers in Social Media of any sports league in the nation. Teams are encouraged to interact with their fans in Social Media and the Dallas Mavericks are one of the leaders in this space. The Mavericks Facebook & Twitter pages have over 2 million followers which makes them 7th best…

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The Mark Cuban No Excuses Policy for Breaking Into Sports

When Mark Cuban bought the Dallas Mavericks, they went from NBA laughing stock to perennial winners literally overnight. (Check the win-loss record for the year Cuban bought the team. It will blow your mind.) One of the many things Cuban brought to the organization that helped turn it around was a “No Excuses” policy. What…

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How Mark Cuban Became Owner of the Dallas Mavericks

If you are a basketball lover then you have to know the name Mark Cuban.  It is a name that resonates with the NBA as he is one of the most recognized franchise owners, someone who cares about the well being of his players and organization, an extremely dynamic individual, and all around great business…

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