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Simon Andras

Author Archive | Simon Andras

Has Fantasy Sports Created a New Generation of Stats Junkies?

Fantasy sports is a simple game that started out decades ago, and slowly blossomed into a billion dollar off the books gambling industry that continues to gain popularity each year. Being a fantasy manager offers fans the unique opportunity to feel more important, make the big decisions they’ve always wanted to make and perhaps win…

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The Most Talked About Player in the NFL Offseason – Michael Sam

Michael Sam hasn’t played one snap in the National Football League, yet he is already creating more headlines than most college players hoping to be drafted next month. Sam, a standout college player from the University of Missouri, became the first openly gay player that will eventually be in the NFL. Of all social issues,…

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A Beginner’s Guide on How to Become an Online Sports Writer

Passion for sports is something that is shared around the world. No matter what our differences are, sports is something that everyone can relate to and find some sort of common ground on. For many of us, our passion for sports goes beyond being a fan or just participating in local rec leagues – we…

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