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3 Strategies Smart Sports Teams Use to Boost Sales

With so many other forms of entertainment competing for fans’ attention these days, teams need to offer more than just bobbleheads and dollar dog nights to boost sales of tickets and merchandise. Sports marketers and operations directors recognize they must offer fans unique, personalized experiences to entice them to come back. Here are three strategies…

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Ryan Braun

How Can Ryan Braun Restore His Image?

As a Milwaukee Brewers fan, I will say the news about Ryan Braun being suspended for the season is very disappointing. Denial after denial, it appears he’s now admitting that he used performance-enhancing drugs. For the many who admired Braun, there’s not only anger and disappointment but also the fact that he lied to the fans. Now…

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Major League Baseball: Small Markets, Big Activations

The competitive landscape of baseball is tough. Without a salary cap many small-market teams have a tougher time succeeding. While MLB has taken measures like revenue sharing and luxury tax thresholds to help level the playing field, the small market teams have to work harder to be considered a contender. Just like on the field,…

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MLB Facebook Pages – Top vs Worst Teams

It can be argued that the best teams should have the best MLB Facebook Pages. If a team is successful on the field, you’d expect they’d be able to capitalize on fan fervor and strengthen their fan connection online.  On the flip side, it might also be argued that the worst teams have nowhere to…

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