Retirement is a huge life transition for a professional athlete. The majority of retired athletes have been competitors all their lives — it’s what they know. It’s what they do. featuGiven the uncertainty and emotions that can come with retirement, it isn’t surprising to find that a number of pro athletes battle addiction once they’re…
Last updated by Lewis Howes at .
Tag Archives | michael phelps

Athlete Branding – Develop a Memorable and Powerful Brand
In the world of sports, it can be very challenging for an aspiring professional athlete, or even a well-seasoned one, to stand out from the crowd and have the opportunity to luxuriate from their success. As the movie Jerry McGuire successfully illustrates, the sports industry is cutthroat and remarkably competitive. Successful athletes are a dime…

Big Money Endorsements and The Olympic Athletes Who Get Them
Olympic athletes spend years, perhaps even most of their lives, training in the hope of winning medals at the Games. But with all that training where do these stars find the time to make money? Well, for those Olympians who manage to make it to the podium, there’s a distinct chance that they will become…
These Athletes Should Be on Twitter
For professional athletes, Twitter can be an incredibly valuable tool. It is a way to connect with current fans and to earn new ones. It is also an alternative to traditional media, providing direct access the public. Twitter is a tool for crisis management, where athletes can accept criticism and attempt to change opinions. Most…