This year, viewers who wanted to watch the Seahawks beat the Broncos had a new option: stream the game online. Fox offered Super Bowl XLVIII live streaming on and the Fox Sports Go iPad app, and viewers were able to load up streaming video and keep track of every touchdown. Although online sportsbook TopBet…
Last updated by Lewis Howes at .
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At Last! Your Favorite NFL Stadium Will Be A WiFi Hotspot
For many sports fans, it’s not enough to just go to a game. There are pictures to post, smack talk postings to upload on a social network, game-related Tweets to Tweet and maybe even a video or two of a great play to post on YouTube. And that’s on top of a constant stream of…

FCC May Put An End To The Sports Blackout Rule
It’s happened to all of us. You turn the TV on expecting to get comfortable on the couch and watch your local professional sports team play. Everything is prepped and ready to go. Only then do you find out that the game has been blacked out. Your only option now is to run to the…
The Top News In #Sportsbiz – 09.02.13 – 09.09.13
This week’s Top News In #Sportsbiz includes the NFL RedZone as a perk for “The Membership Club” and the Jacksonville Jaguars creating “Stand United Fridays” to engage fans. Other news includes the Galaxy Gear being pre loaded with MyFitnessApp, Beaver Stadium attendance dropping, and MLB teams trash talking on Twitter. Get in and get your…
Sponsorship Activations at the NFL Experience
As we know, the Super Bowl is one of the greatest spectacles in the sports world and fans from all over make a pilgrimage to experience it. The NFL has done a fantastic job of making it possible for the average fan to experience the Super Bowl, even if they don’t have a ticket to…