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5 NBA Teams to Follow on Google+

We’ve already covered Facebook and Twitter as we highlight the NBA on social media and which teams are dominating social media. We now move over to Google+ where some franchises are utilizing the growing social networking site. Some of these you’d expect based on geographical location and demographic, but other medium market teams are really…

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Manchester ‘U’ Tops Forbes’ List of World’s 50 Most Valuable Sports Teams (Infographic)

Forbes just recently released its annual Top 50 list of the world’s most valuable sports teams, with the National Football League holding the most places (32) of any professional league. Yet, once again, English soccer powerhouse Manchester United claimed the No. 1 spot with a $2.33 billion price tag with Real Madrid followed closely at No. 2 for…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.2.21

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business How Much Is Linsanity Worth? “Lin is the flavor of the week on Madison Ave., a mover of the stock market and a catalyst for a countless number of business proposal pitches. ‘This has crossed…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.2.14

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business ACC Expansion Will Pay Off In New TV Deal “ACC expansion will mean at least $1 million to $2 million a year in additional revenue for each of the conference’s existing schools, according to…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 12.1.17

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards  Sports Business Bankruptcy is ‘Wreckage’ From Years Of Drinking By Steinberg, The Real-life Jerry Maguire “Leigh Steinberg calls them ‘checkout days,’ when he would drink vodka from morning until night, often straight from the bottle. Divorced and…

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FanCam Brightens The Sports Technology Picture

As New Year’s Day comes and goes the sports fan is reminded of an interesting truth – the home viewing experience of a sporting event is beginning to outweigh the experience of actually being there. From high definition to 3D to 80 inch screens, anyone can essentially bring the “at the game feel” to home…

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Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz – 11.12.12

The Sportsbiz Weekly Buzz is a collection of articles curated by Sports Networker’s Online Marketing Coordinator – Steve Richards Sports Business 50 Most Influential People in Sports Business “Media moves as well as labor harmony (or the lack thereof) shake up our annual list of the executives who set the agenda for North American sports.”…

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Following NBA Free Agency

Over the past year, Twitter has shown us its incredible power when it comes to talking about and sharing “breaking news” and current events (not just in sports). For example, last year’s Iranian presidential elections completely dominated Twitter for a number of weeks, and became the medium for finding out what was happening in the Middle East. Other major news events, like the Hudson River plane crash and Michael Jackson’s death, have proven the same.

July 1 marked the start of one of the biggest summers in the history of the National Basketball Association. A number of the league’s premier players, including LeBron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne Wade, became free agents. 2010 NBA free agency has been quite an experience, and Twitter has truly given fans an insight into free agency unlike we’ve ever had before. Like the events mentioned previously, Twitter has completely altered who controls the messaging and the way we gather information.

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The Nets’ Blueprint Wall: Extending the Story

Just before July 1, the Nets began to unveil a 225 foot x 95 foot painted sign on the side of a building at 34th Street & 8th Avenue in midtown Manhattan. The wall features prominent images of the Nets’ new owner, 6’8″ Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, and part owner & hip-hop legend, Jay-Z. Above their faces is the phrase, “The Blueprint for Greatness.” The Nets feel strongly about the direction their team is heading, and the wall is a tribute to the positive growth this organization continues to make.

The wall is part of an aggressive marketing campaign (along with several major digital and print advertisements), placed within walking distance of New York Penn Station, a major hub for the Nets moving forward. They will move to Newark for the next two seasons, at least, and then permanently to Brooklyn. Many, many Nets fans will pass through Penn Station in the years to come.

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Another First for The Garden: Hockey in 3D

Tonight’s New York Rangers vs New York Islanders matchup at Madison Square Garden will be unlike any other in the long-standing rivalry. While the “Potvin sucks” chants, a look back in time, will be prevalent for the Isles visit,  the theater at Madison Square Garden will hold a special eye into the first ever 3D…

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Should teams look beyond Facebook & Twitter?

We’re now starting to see more and more teams getting involved with social media. This is great, but I think it’s time they start to look beyond only utilizing the major platforms (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook) and really start to embrace more emerging and niche platforms (Ustream, Tumblr, Flickr). Every platform offers something different and therefore…

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