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USA Today Sports Editor Position For New “Quick Hit” News Coverage

If you happen to be a sports editor looking to work in a fast paced environment, USA Today may have a sports editor position for you.  The position revolves around the NFL and a “quick-twitch” style of news reporting.  So be prepared to work in a fast-paced environment. USA Today Sports Has Open Sports Editor…

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3 Ways To Guarantee Your Sports Job Success in 2011

If your goal for 2011 is to break into the sports industry, there are three things that will guarantee your success. (And it won’t cost you a dime!)

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Top Five Sports Jobs

If you’ve ever attended a live sporting event, you’ve seen all types of entry-level sports jobs; from ball boy to towel boy to mascot, but there are some sports jobs that require more skill, education, and passion than a dusty ball boy or a sweaty mascot. While these entry-level sports jobs can open the door…

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10 Tips to Help You Land Your First Sports Job

1. Network, Network, Network

Have you heard the adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know?” Well, in sports, it’s more like “who knows you” or “who is familiar with your work”. The key to getting your first job (or any job) is networking. You need to get out there in front of the decision makers who have the power to hire you, whether that’s the head of the sales department, box office or the general manager.

Attending networking functions is a great idea. Most teams and leagues either run their own career fair or attend sports related fairs every year. For example, job seekers interested in a career in Minor League Baseball should attend the annual PBEO Conference (the same “Winter Meetings” where players are traded and the Rule V draft are held ever year) and network with as many people as possible.

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Landing a Job in Sports: Job Application Advice

Last week we posted a job description looking for a new community manager for our sites. The response was overwhelming and we received many amazing resumes and applications. The top 10 were invited to participate in the next stage of the search by submitting video posts explaining why they wanted the job. The videos showed clearly why these candidates made the top 10 cut to begin with. They are dedicated and passionate, something we value a lot for our company.

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