This week’s top news in #SportsBiz includes Andrew Luck and his not-so-typical endorsement deal with Klipsch. Other news includes Rivalry Week seeing a major increase in ticket prices, FIFA and Brazil experiencing a tragedy and a setback, apron advertising in the NBA, and Walmart advertising with Thanksgiving day football. Get your #SportsBiz fix below. Sports…
Last updated by Lewis Howes at .
Tag Archives | Indianapolis Colts

How The Indianapolis Colts Used Sports Technology To Improve Its Game In 2012-13 (INFOGRAPHIC)
Like other NFL teams in 2012-13, the Indianapolis Colts also made the jump to Global Apptitude’s digital playbook to give themselves the competitive advantage. Instead of resorting to a hefty 800-page playbook for another season, head coach Chuck Pagano opted for the trendier and more environmentally-friendly playbook. But that wasn’t their only change in sports technology….